Lo más destacado de la victoria de anoche por 0-3 sobre el Barnsley en Oakwell. SkyBet Championship | 11.03.14 Goles: Vardy (21, 62), Drinkwater (58) Asistencia: 12.539 (3.455 como visitante) Vea más reacciones posteriores al partido en www.player.lcfc.com/latest-news Suscríbase al canal: youtube.com/lcfcofficial Síganos en Facebook: facebook.com/lcfcofficial Haga clic en +1 en Google+: google.com/+lcfcofficial Síganos en Twitter: twitter.com/officialfoxes Síganos en Instagram: instagram.com/officialfoxes
Camisetas Chelsea Noticias generales de Fútbol, comentarios, resultados, estadísticas, posiciones, audios y videos

Leicesters going up going up Leicesters going up nanananana
Well played u blues come on let's have a win at Blackburn tomorrow and away at Burnley COYB
surely Leicester are going up this season (dont support them) played very well!
Burnley are so bad that they can't even beat Birmingham XD
Hello PL
Jamie Vardy's 'aving a party!
nice job!now we are on step closer!
Surely we have done it! But we gotta keep focus
Very good atmosphere with the city fans. "Jamie vardy's having a party".
Very good atmosphere with the city fans. "Jamie vardy's having a party".
Good performance. Barnsley were the worst side we've played this season though.
We're that good we don't need them 🙂