LEICESTER | Un recorrido a pie por el centro de la ciudad de Leicester Echamos un vistazo al centro de la ciudad de Leicester, Inglaterra, para ver cómo es y qué hay allí. Esta es la segunda vez que hemos estado en esta gran ciudad, siendo el tiempo anterior en Navidad el año pasado. La ciudad de Leicester es más famosa por su escena culturalmente diversa y sus universidades de clase mundial. Las artes y la cultura prosperan en el Cultural Quarter, acertadamente llamado, donde puedes encontrar docenas de galerías, museos y teatros que organizan una amplia variedad de eventos. En el ajetreado centro de la ciudad, las calles peatonales bordeadas de tiendas de moda y ropa deportiva se abren en abanico desde la emblemática Torre del Reloj de 1868, y los centros comerciales incluyen Highcross, con un cine y comida internacional. Cerca de la catedral medieval, el Centro de visitantes del rey Ricardo III destaca la vida del gobernante del siglo XV y el descubrimiento de su tumba en un estacionamiento cercano. El Guildhall del siglo XIV con entramado de madera alberga espectáculos y alberga un museo. Leicester ha sido nombrada como una de las mejores ciudades para vivir y trabajar en el Reino Unido, según las últimas investigaciones. El Índice de buen crecimiento para las ciudades de 2015 clasifica a Leicester entre las 10 principales ciudades del Reino Unido, la más alta en las Midlands y por delante de Londres y Cardiff. Leicester es la ciudad más peligrosa de Leicestershire y se encuentra entre las 10 más peligrosas en general de los 230 pueblos, aldeas y ciudades de Leicestershire. La tasa general de delincuencia en Leicester en 2021 fue de 112 delitos por cada 1000 personas. Con una población de más de 300.000 habitantes, Leicester es la ciudad más grande de East Midlands y la décima más grande del país. La gente de Leicester son leicesterianos. Estas son nuestras 15 mejores zonas para vivir en Leicester. Oadby. Evington. Parque Clarendon. Calle Narborough. Knighton del Sur. Aylestone. El pequeño Stretton. Campos de Knighton. Leicester ha sido nombrada como uno de los mejores lugares para ser estudiante en el Reino Unido, según el Student Living Index 2020. El índice ha sido elaborado por NatWest y clasifica a Leicester entre las tres principales ciudades estudiantiles, justo detrás de Manchester y Cambridge. Leicester tiene una variada selección de atracciones, desde las favoritas de la familia hasta las gemas históricas y las delicias intergalácticas, ¡seguro que hay algo para mantenerte entretenido en la ciudad! El descubrimiento e identificación en 2012 de los restos del rey Ricardo III en un aparcamiento municipal ha despertado un resurgimiento del interés por el patrimonio de la ciudad, donde hay numerosos tesoros históricos a la espera de ser descubiertos. ¿Dónde más se pueden recorrer 2000 años de historia en un ¿día? Eche un vistazo a la magnífica muralla romana judía, la tumba del rey en la catedral de Leicester y el Centro Espacial Nacional fuera de este mundo para un viaje a través del tiempo, ¡hasta el infinito y más allá! Los amantes del arte estarán encantados de saber que, entre las impresionantes galerías de la ciudad, se encuentra la mayor colección de arte expresionista alemán del Reino Unido. También puede encontrar la galería de dinosaurios favorita de la familia en el Museo y Galería de Arte de Leicester, ¡con el dinosaurio Rutland de 15 metros de largo! Para aquellos a quienes les gusta su cultura un poco más ruidosa, la escena musical y deportiva de Leicester no los decepcionará. Kasabian es solo uno de los muchos talentos musicales que han perfeccionado su oficio en la animada escena musical en vivo de Leicester. Desde el rugido de la sala de conciertos hasta el rugido de las gradas, Leicester está mimado con los mejores equipos de fútbol, rugby, baloncesto y cricket. Y no son sólo los teatros deportivos los que copan los titulares de esta ciudad. La innovadora obra maestra arquitectónica del teatro Curve es solo uno de los fantásticos lugares teatrales de la ciudad, que atrae espectáculos nacionales y crea producciones con entradas agotadas. ► DALE ME GUSTA Y SUSCRIBETE! Suscríbete a nuestro canal aquí ? ► MÁS VIDEOS DE GIMBAL WALK TV Whitby ? Blackpool ? Llandudno Gales ? Bude Cornwall ? Bath ? Scarborough ? Nerja España ? Sheffield Yorkshire ? ► APOYAME ❤️ ¡Apoya el canal para que pueda hacer mejores videos! Puedes donar aquí ? ► GIMBAL WALK TV REDES SOCIALES Grupo de Facebook ? Página de Facebook ? Twitter ? Instagram ? Youtube ? ► EL EQUIPO DE VIDEO Y CÁMARA Y EQUIPO QUE USO Aquí está todo el equipo de video que uso para filmar ? #leicester
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looking forward to being back in leicester next friday
this time with my sister
enjoyed the video tonight
rachel – queensland australia
Trust me, now the town is a whole collapse, rubbish everywhere, and ofc the daily crackheads, slumped out and drugged up ?
never knew the clock tower was located here in LEICESTER CITY?
My son was at Leicester university 20 years ago my it’s changed . Happy days
Queens Bassist John Deacon is from Leicester he's from a place called Odbay.
I know I’m a Bit late but you’ve just got yourself a new sub, really good vid and enjoyed the positivity
Absolutely beautiful liester ????
Please cover Mumbai City ( India )…???
thank you for this video. I have just come back from Leicester, I walked on exactly the same streets and saw the same things. Nice!
I live here for about 19 years now and love the city very good people
Beautiful city, beautiful residence emezing restaurant's abd food , many many independent cafe's , clean but I'm little bit expensive to compered similar city around east Midlands and the North.
please film Aukland in New Zealand
wow you have done a great job of making our city look clean, tidy and pleasant. how you've managed to get around most of the city and only passing 1 set of construction works is beyond me. i love my town centre i really do, but quite frankly your video flatters it.
Leicester is a third world shit-hole.
Amazing city – growing rapidly
Leicester city . My home man love it
It's all gone down hill hearth of the shops have closed down I've lived in leicester all my life ? even was a clocky kid at one point ? ☝️ and that bus's station is taking forever to build 🙁
Such a shame you missed that special spot in Leicester where I was attacked and nearly beaten to death for absolutely no reason by a complete stranger.
I've lived here all my life55yrs..I think Leicester is no different to many large cities in the UK,empty shops ,many discount shops ,dirty streets ..a fairly small shopping center the highcross ,diabolical nightlife..some nice parts of Leicester to live in but again no different to any other..
Greetings.. From Leicester ?
❤ my city
Very beautiful place I am moving to Leicester
I left in 1988 and I hardly recognise it anymore. Alot of the big names seem missing and it was shocking how many market stalls were empty, it used to be heaving when I was a teenager here in the 1980s. Thank you.
I live in Leicester and it's great to see we are regenerating ourselves as a legitimate tourist destination now as well as a great university city. Thank you for sharing this video
Lived here my whole life.
The city is incredibly diverse but its not exactly a friendly city, nor is it clean.
There is a number of homeless that the city isn't helping.
The number of knife crimes, stabbings, murders, thieves and drug addicts is incredibly high.
As much as the history and architecture is amazing. I can't wait to leave
At least you didn't film that abomination of a tower block in blue next to the railway station, what an eyesore for visitors to the city
I call leicester little India,it certainly has changed over the years,not so many English people in some parts , most English factory's closed most small English businesses closed,you don't see many English people where I live anymore and it is rare to hear English spoken in the streets where I live,there are many foreigners here and all these people tend to only mix with their own kind socially etc,the streets are generally filthy, rubbish everywhere beggars galore in the city centre and beyond, street alcoholics etc congregate in parks with no park wardens to be seen,loads of uber and deliveroo cyclists driving recklessly around on foot paths putting pedestrians in danger of collision along with crazy lazy youth illegally riding escooters, trying not to avoid you on footpaths,, a large subculture recreational drug use especially among asian youth who tend to congregate on out of the way street corners and smoke cannabis drink hard liquer and inhale laughing gas cylinders, people driving motor vehicles whilst smoking cannabis, you can smell it from their open driver windows,people are not generally very friendly,and keep to themselves in their own ethnic groups,the only time there seems to be a mixing of these groups is in the making of commerce,cars are parked illegally all over footpaths,and the air pollution exceeds safety limits,mainly due to so many motor vehicles,the infrastructure is appallingly run down etc, only the city centre is maintained well for propoganda purposes,most roads are death traps for pedestrians outside the city centre,lack of pedestrian crossings,lack of public toilets,lack of social housing, high rents high council tax,high long term unemployment especially amongst white male working class ,mainly due to there being no white businesses left to employ them ,I and the police are never to be seen except when things get really out of hand, and then all of the police force in leicester seems to turn up at once ,and seem to overreact for lesser matters,but generally you don't see police patrols especially on foot they are extinct,ie the beat Bobby is rarer than hedgehog.and local police stations are mainly closed.I could go on about telling the truth about real leicester where multiculturalism does not work etc,oh and I've only lived here for sixty years, so maybe in another 40 things might have improved all I can day leicester was better in the 1960's,but after that seems to have gone pear shaped but maybe that applies to the uk as well,oh and by the way I'm also an ethnic,so no cheap race slurs please,let's just be honest.
Wasn’t expecting for someone to make a video about my city. Leicester isn’t really as well known as other places like London
Never go to Leicester too many down and outs , I know people who live there and hate it
Heh what are the odds of hearing the same conversation snippet twice. Maybe someone altered the matrix
Love Guildhall lane thanks again for another great video : )
Next time you visit Leicester! Please go to St Martins square and around the lanes!!!! That’s where you find more old fashioned stuff and unique places!
Mate , lot has changed in the 26 yrs i've been gone , it's a lot cleaner to be fair and is better for it. should have done market street and cank street silver arcade area. bloody hell the globe pub is still there.
wow iv never seen my city look so clean they must have known you was coming to film and you managed to not film all the homeless people outside nearly every shop bless them i love my city but you must have filmed very early morning or covid time because market stalls are half empty to. Leicester has great people and shops and places to eat but streets are not normally that spotless and there are a lot of more homeless than is seen in video but you will still enjoy Leicester
I believe it is significantly cleaner because there is just less people going to city centre, in comparison to pre-covid. Everyone is at the Fosse Park shopping mall?
Lovely film. I like Leicester. You look up and see all the interesting architecture. I find it clean. I came in tonight for the first time in a few years. There was rubbish and a lot of potatoes over the ground outside McDonalds?
Its not a great city any more…. Sir Peter has achieved his goal in destroying it… hence why I left a few years back… sad
Ive lived in Leicester the past 2 years, moved from Birmingham. It's great, plenty of open space for the kids and the town centre is a very good balance of old and new. We'll be staying for the foreseeable future and couldn't be happier
New lubbesthorpe will be the place to live in Leicester.
As you can see folks, there's nothing here.
I went to University there 30 years ago, surprised how clean the streets are, only thing I remember is the clock tower and massive bus station. Oh and linkers stall in the market
Great upload! Thank you for this wonderful video! I hope you all are well! Have a great day! See you!
Studied in Leicester from 1993 to 1997. Lived just off Narborough Rd. Great city, great people. Memorable nights out in krystals, Mosquito Coastand Zoots. Made some good friends too, some in touch with still, others not, but hey ho, that’s the circle of life! Hopefully will come back up there for a visit soon.
Looks like Bangladesh with all the tinteds there.
I lived their for a year and hated it. Unattractive fragmented centre, poor cultural and food and drink offer – just generic chains. Unremarkable.
Great tour really appreciate it Thank You ? being a Leicesterian I'm proud to be, seeing the growth there is and all the rich history this beautiful and diverse City of Leicester has ???
I live here and I do not like it ?