Los líderes de las comunidades hindú y musulmana han pedido el fin de semanas de disturbios violentos en Leicester. Entonces, ¿qué ha causado los enfrentamientos y cómo comenzaron? SUSCRÍBETE a nuestro canal de YouTube para ver más videos: Síguenos en Twitter: Síguenos en Facebook: Síguenos en Instagram: Síguenos en TikTok: Para obtener más contenido, visita y descarga nuestras aplicaciones: Apple: Los videos de Android Sky News ya están disponibles en español here/Los videos de Sky News están disponibles en español aquí Los videos de Sky News también están disponibles en alemán aquí/Hier können Sie außerdem Sky News-Videos auf Deutsch finden: Para obtener información sobre la licencia del contenido de Sky News, puede encontrar más información aquí:
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Look most of these lads are venting they don’t want actual physical altercations get out of the way and it will die out keep getting in the way and it will keep escalating
Wow! the media is full of crap! The Hindus who worship Modhi BJP make life hell for the Muslims in India and now wish to do the same here.. this is more than "cricket", but this is not India my friends
Funny how lots of english people complaining about people from other countrys causing trouble on "our" streets yet england football fans cause absolute chaos in other countries and thats over football teams! It boils down to the lack of love for each other as human beings..
Pray for your enemies not fight them 🙏
P.s im British 🌍
so many bame faces there causing the usual trouble. unfortunately the police have their hands tied as the race card as per usual will be wheeled out when it is people of bame causing the problems…no change there.Community leaders very often are useless..how many times have we seen young black men murdered and a wall of silence from community "leaders" society isnt to blame which we are always told…family, friends, peers , community leaders are to blame.
…and England bears the brunt…
And they call white British people racist
Opindia is a banned channel
Diversity is our greatest strength >;-}
Tbf India batted well. Did great to fend off the Pakistani bowling attack!!
The reporter is clearly biased. I believe she love terrorists
Why are there so many in Leicester
It didn't begin with a Hindu march, it began when the same group that did that march are committing genocide against Muslims in India.
Many years ago I had been in a few trouble spots around the world, never in my mind did it occur that one day we would be importing it to the streets of the UK, times change but what it means to be British should not be tossed to the wind… if nothing else too much blood has been spilt in both world wars by those that stepped up to the plate to protect the generations that followed, this makes a mockery of their sacrifice, lets hope reason prevails and the nonsense stops. We all need to behave like Britons, and get along with each other and not act like rival warring factions that reside in the savage corners of the planet, if this isnt sorted it can only get worse as one thing I learned about this world is, where there is a difference and no compromise there is always conflict.
How UK let hindu make problem at their own country.now hindu attack muslim letter then hindu attack christian who knows.😊
Biased mfs
Got it. The Hindu government in India is treating Muslims as second class citizens, and restricting Christian's freedom of religion. But… why does sky tv not mention how Hindu and Christian minorities are treated in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and so forth?
Religion is fake, all of it is made up. No country or anything else should be run by it.
Nothing to do with India . There may have been minor frustration between Hindu and Muslim communities but we have always lived in harmony. The truth is islamists like Majid Freeman came from outside Leicester to cause Hatred .We do not want people like this in Leicester as we all want to live in peace.
Yeah sure blame the Hindus. Stop your muslim appeasement already. It's pathetic.
Ah all the cheap slave labour, sorry refugees and immigrants imported by labour well done.
we need to make Britain British again 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
Hooe white working class rise uo funny the labour mp tryung to blame far right. Groominh gangs still going on in lecesiter and racial abuse of whites on daiky basis
Isnt this exactly how Rome fell? When the leaders became increasing diverse from different backgrounds.
This is fake news
Nothing happen
Indians are the richest ethnicity who take pride to be British whereas we all know what Pakistanis preach in British mosques against British people while living on their soil. 2nd poorest community who only indulge in Grooming gangs and dealing drugs. #facts
If I had to watch a game of cricket I'd feel pretty violent too. Love from Edinburgh..
I am a Muslim faith and never had any problems with Hindu brothers and sisters. They are very nice people❤️.
People that use violence just because of a sporting event, are probably lowest levels of screwed up that a human being can get. Even a two year old doesn't behave that way in a sweet shop, when he/she can't have any sweets!
That has happened since the partition between India and Pakistan happened before India got indiepence.
Multiculturalism just doesn't work this is a warning of what's to come in this country.
And our wonderful new prime minister wants to encourage more immigration into this country, this is the shape of things to come.
Meme aka mohammad hijab started this riot.
Islam came to town that's the problem
hindus are known for acceptance and peace. They accept and respect every culture. Unlike the muslims who don't respect other religions and make islamic republics by erasing all the minorities. They have attacked our temple in leicester and are calling us radicals. What a joke. 🤨🤨
We have been taken over
Two religions of peace and blessings. Police should heavily arm both sides and wait
Prime minister Khan warned about the hindutva ideology during his speech at the U.N general assembly , looks like the British community was asleep , Hindus want reparations from the British government too.
Shame on the British community for allowing this to have happened they should have solved the KASHMIR issue 7 decades ago when they first left the Indian sub continent.
Strange that the foreign press are not being impartial? i thought that was a MSM trait, yet here we are giving this an 'ultra right wing' slant INSTEAD OF REALISING THAT MULTI CULTURALISIM DOSENT WORK.
Hindus showing their true colo
Hhahahahaha this is the beginning of the movie. Give it 20 years and I promise a war.
Let them fight it out. More less the better. What a lot of rubbish. Deport the lot.