The SportTalk Football Phone In with Jamie Carragher reacciona a la derrota del Everton por 2-0 en casa ante el Leicester, ya que muchos fanáticos enojados del Everton llaman queriendo que Frank Lampard salga con el agente invitado especial Rafa. #everton #franklampard #rafabenitez #sporttalk
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this was so good 👍🏽 👏 🙌
Agent Raf is my favourite.
His facial expressions crease me up
This is Jordan on TALKsport. I like what you are doing, it's like midnight with the full moon. I appreciate your effort. It's pretty like a dress. I don't like your special guests… They are fish.
U should be working with sky doing half time specials your stuff is boss
😂😂😂😂 Just too good
Hahaha I don't know if I could kiss ya or kick ya head in!! 😜 😂💙
Fact 😂😂
I love 'em all Mr Farley…but Agent Rafa is da best. FACT!
Funniest thing ive ever seen 😂😂😂😂😂
This is bloody hysterical!!
This is the best thing about football at the moment in my opinion.
Writing and performance better than most TV sketch or comedy shows.
No but srsly I hope I don’t… I mean he doesn’t get sacked
ferking great once again
Agent Raffa , is comic genius!
Everton Brummy sneaking in there la
The talksport call ins are hilarious and so accurate. Why do all talksport call ins always sound the same? Starts off so normal then quickly turns into a weird whine and getting all personal haha
More of SportTalk plse………
First impression we hear but don’t see lmao
Are you gonna do the 1 where he spat at a family on the way home cos Liverpool lost?
All The Bitters should see this it'll cheer them all up.. hahahahaha!
Love this Sporttalk section fantastic Mr F. More Jordan pls
Haven't laughed that hard in a while 😂🤣
Should be a slot in MOTD for this……….😃😃😃
Big Dunc if I Found him him in bed with my misses I would make him a cup of tea😂
Steve Bruce calling in with his Kebab order next time please 🙂
This is brilliant.
Best one yet and agent rafa class
“He’d spark me right out” 😂😂
Mate, the list of all the people whose fault it is is priceless… Great piece that.
Carra's impression just wow for a moment a actually thought I was listening to Jamie carragher.
Best Ever ‼️
Worst my time with my worse enemy… Or as I prefer to put it – Gary Neville.
Banter is so good you blink and you miss it