Player Ratings! | Everton 0-2 Leicester City

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7 comentarios en “Player Ratings! | Everton 0-2 Leicester City

  1. Nattyco

    Did you consider the possibility that Patterson was not fully ready to start? I know Lampard said he was in the press conference but we know managers can say things they don't mean before the game. Anchelloti did it all the time. Patterson was poor last week and although improved this week he didn't look particularly confident to me.


    SERIOUSLY CAM…ratings usually mean there is a judgement that means something…..these frauds dont deserve that…watch onnana stroll back,watch grey jog at you're nans pace after losing the ball…a fucking disgraceful effort, this was franks tactics from the whistle and it was wank x10

  3. The Blues

    Fans will say after matches “we just don’t have anyone who can score goals or win games” then days later will predict that “we should be beating these” as if they had their memory wiped 🤦‍♂️

  4. The Blues

    I genuinely love to see messi in this team just for a day. You’d still hear fans saying “he’s shite him” and “he’s got no right foot” “always makes the wrong decision” instead of realising it’s a Everton issue

  5. wayne1da

    Iwobi had an easier oportunity to score than DCL, but DCL miss seemed worst as I expected him to hit the goalie. Back when had Lukaku in those situations you knew it was a goal.
    McNeill, Gray, and Gordon are not good enough, but neither is a fully fit Dom. We need to spend on a winger and a number one striker.

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