Archivo de la categoría: Camisetas de futbol baratas

Comprar camisetas de futbol baratas 2021/2022 Para Hombre, Mujer y Niños de todos los clubs y Selecciones Nacionales

Cómo encontrar un profesor particular en Londres

Hoy en día, encontrar un educador en el hogar en cualquier parte del Reino Unido puede ser un desafío. Sin embargo, en Londres, se considera aún más difícil encontrar un tutor que ofrezca servicios de enseñanza en el tema que está buscando.

La enseñanza privada en Londres es particularmente competitiva ya que muchos padres buscan a sus educadores preferidos con meses, a veces con años de anticipación. Un tutor con una buena reputación puede encontrarse contratado de año en año solo de boca en boca. A menudo, cuando los padres y los estudiantes comienzan a buscar a alguien que los ayude con sus estudios, se sorprenden al descubrir que ya se han reservado tantos, por lo que es importante investigar un poco con anticipación y descubrir la forma más efectiva de encontrar un educador en Londres.

Entonces, ¿por qué la competencia?

Bueno, en primer lugar, Londres tiene una de las mayores concentraciones de universidades e instituciones de educación superior del mundo. Cuenta con 40 instituciones de educación superior y tiene una población estudiantil de más de 400.000. Entre las instituciones de la ciudad se encuentran algunos de los antiguos y mundialmente famosos colegios que hoy conforman la Universidad federal.

¿Dónde puedes encontrar un tutor privado en Londres?

Los padres tienden a encontrar educadores de una variedad de fuentes diferentes. La publicidad tradicional en los periódicos, los escaparates de las tiendas locales y, por supuesto, el boca a boca son medios consistentemente efectivos para encontrar un tutor privado en la capital del país. Sin embargo, hoy en día, la tendencia para encontrar educadores privados tiende a provenir de Internet. Al usar la herramienta de palabras clave de Google, tenemos una buena idea de cuántas personas buscan términos específicos. Usando el término de búsqueda ‘tutor privado Londres, Birmingham, Manchester, etc.’, la herramienta de palabras clave de Google muestra cada búsqueda mensual de términos:

Londres – 3.600

Birmingham – 480

Mánchester – 390

Leicester – 260

Madrid – 260

Brístol – 210

Liverpool – 170

¿Cuánto cobran los profesores particulares en Londres?

Dependiendo de las materias que se impartan, el costo de las clases particulares en Londres varía. Como regla general, los tutores privados en Londres tienden a cobrar un poco más que los tutores en el resto del Reino Unido. Al investigar varios sitios web, vemos que los tutores privados en el centro de la ciudad de Londres tienden a cobrar un promedio de £ 45 por hora, en comparación con el promedio del Reino Unido de £ 25 por hora. Nuevamente, usando la herramienta de palabras clave de Google, podemos ver las búsquedas mensuales globales de los siguientes términos:

Inglés – 2.400

Matemáticas – 2400

Español – 1,000

Francés – 880

Química – 390

Ciencias – 320

Física – 260

Biología – 140

Camisetas NBA Comprar Camiseta Serbia Barata precio más barato y envío rápido y de los mejores equipos y selecciones del mundo de Hombre,Mujer y Niños. Descubre la mejor forma de comprar online.

Hay mucho que hacer en Charming Wells Next the Sea, Norfolk

Wells Next the Sea, Norfolk es una adorable ciudad turística junto al mar, llena de belleza natural y mucho que hacer. Wells es un paraíso virtual para los amantes de la playa y del aire libre.

«Holkham Hall» es una magnífica propiedad privada construida por Thomas Coke, el primer conde de Leicester a mediados del siglo XVIII. Esta misma familia ha sido propietaria de esta fantástica casa y ha vivido en ella desde entonces. Los terrenos y la casa son realmente un espectáculo para la vista. El parque es conocido por los muchos ciervos que se pueden ver deambulando. También hay kilómetros de playa privada para nadar, tomar el sol y montar a caballo. Aquí encontrará actuaciones de muchos artistas famosos. El próximo en el calendario es Elton John, en junio de 2009. Este es definitivamente un lugar para ver.

«Langham glass» es un gran lugar para visitar y ver todas las maravillas de la fabricación de vidrio. Aquí aprenderá sobre la arena de alta calidad que se requiere para lograr el vidrio de alta calidad que producen. Esta es una lección fascinante en la producción de este arte.

«Norfolk Lavender» es una experiencia encantadora y mágica con un aroma a juego. Este jardín y destilería ofrece fiestas y recorridos. También hay muchas atracciones para ver, incluido el salón de té, el huerto y, por supuesto, el fantástico huerto de lavanda. Esto es digno de su título como un tesoro histórico.

Durante su visita a Wells junto al mar, sin duda quedará encantado con todo el encanto que esperaría de un lugar así. Desde el pescado y papas fritas locales, las adorables cabañas y toda la diversión junto al mar, hasta las excelentes tiendas y cafés, seguramente estará encantado.

Camisetas COPA MÉXICO Comprar Camiseta Serbia Barata precio más barato y envío rápido y de los mejores equipos y selecciones del mundo de Hombre,Mujer y Niños. Descubre la mejor forma de comprar online.

Nigeria Vs Liberia – Previa de la 2.ª etapa de la clasificación para todos los Juegos Africanos

El equipo olímpico de Nigeria, conocido popularmente como Dream Team V, jugará el próximo fin de semana contra la selección nacional de fútbol sub-23 de Liberia en el partido de vuelta de la clasificación para los Juegos Africanos. El juego comienza en el estadio Samuel Ogbemudia en la ciudad de Benin, Nigeria.

En el partido de ida del encuentro que se jugó en el complejo Samuel Kanyon Doe el sábado 16 de abril de 2011, ambos equipos se conformaron con un 1-1 con Nigeria abriendo el marcador en el minuto 33 del encuentro a través del punto de penalti, después de que el delantero del Leicester City Daniel Uchechi cometió falta en el área penal. Reunió la fuerza mental suficiente para convertir el primer gol en el deleite de los pocos seguidores que viajaban.

Los nigerianos, que echaban de menos a algunas de sus grandes estrellas, protestaron antes del encuentro por los malos tratos que les infligió la Federación de Fútbol de Liberia antes del partido. El gol inicial del equipo olímpico nigeriano provocó una reacción espontánea de su homólogo liberiano, desesperado por impresionar a sus aficionados locales que habían acudido a animarles por la victoria. Sin embargo, el terreno de juego no estaba ayudando a su curso, ya que no estaba en las mejores condiciones.

Sin embargo, su persistencia valió la pena en el minuto 63 cuando el centrocampista ofensivo Johnson Samuel anotó el gol del empate necesario con un impresionante cabezazo en el minuto 63 de juego. El anfitrión habría arrebatado los tres puntos en los últimos minutos de la segunda parte tras recibir un penalti. Héroe de la selección Sub-17 que ganó el oro en Corea del Sur en 2007, Oladele Ajiboye sacó una segura segura decisiva para negar el que hubiera sido el gol de la victoria.

Sin embargo, fue reemplazado a pocos minutos del final del partido cuando se lesionó el jugador liberiano Ronaldinho. El silbato del árbitro provocó la repetición del entrenador Austin Eguaveon, quien estuvo muy tenso durante todo el encuentro. El encuentro inverso promete ser un cracker considerando la importancia del encuentro para la aspiración del Dream Team V. La selección sub-23 tendrá la ventaja de jugar en casa ante la siempre vociferante peña nigeriana.

Una cosa que iría a favor del Dream Team es el enorme talento del que dispone el equipo técnico. Rabiu Ibrahim, Nnamdi Odumadi, Ekigho Ehiosun, Ibok Edet y el portero Dele Ajiboye probablemente comenzarían el juego que promete ser emocionante y entretenido. Se espera que el gobernador del estado de Edo, camarada Adams Oshiomole, sea el invitado especial de honor durante el juego.

Camisetas OTRAS LIGAS Comprar Camiseta Serbia Barata precio más barato y envío rápido y de los mejores equipos y selecciones del mundo de Hombre,Mujer y Niños. Descubre la mejor forma de comprar online.

Steamtown National Historic Site

1. Birth of the Railroads:

Distances between the still-sparsely populated areas of the United States in the early-1800s were significant and the expanses between them untamed, hostile, and obstacle-ridden. Yet the need to supply them became greater. Railroads ultimately provided the necessary arteries to them once track had triumphed technology and locomotives of sufficient capability had been designed to ply them.

Because of these conditions, railroad investment in both Great Britain and the US accelerated, yielding to the first such rail concerns as, respectively, the Liverpool and Manchester, which commenced operations in 1830, and the South Carolina Railroad, progressively demonstrating that the fledgling industry would become inextricably tied to the production of goods and proving the prediction that it would become «the biggest business of 19th-century America.»

Although such companies were still small, privately-owned affairs and covered disconnected portions of the eastern seaboard from Maine to Georgia, a few adventurous ones succeeded in tackling westward routes through the Appalachian Mountains. The ever-increasing demand for facilities to transport their wares and products spurred the laying of more than 9,000 miles of track, albeit still in New England and the Middle Atlantic states at this point.

A decade later, the once barren, horse- and stagecoach-only accessible expanses had been replaced by an iron network of tracks in every state east of the Mississippi River, which equated to more than triple the length of the 1830 total.

While thwarting further expansion, the Civil War can nevertheless be credited with the first US conflict in which the method played an important role in transporting troops and supplies. And, when it was resolved, the track mileage only reflected the increasing speed of the steam locomotives that plied it: 94,000 in 1880, 193,000 in 1900, and 254,000 in 1918, creating coast-to-coast country cohesion.

Self-feeding, the railroad industry both created and supplied its growth, providing factories with materials, such as cotton, coal, iron, and iron ore, and departing with the finished products they facilitated, like cloth, machines, and steel, and transforming the once agricultural nation into an industrial one in the process. Perhaps more importantly, however, was the fact that the railroads served as the means to populate, carrying emigrants to Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, the Dakotas, and Pennsylvania’s Lackawanna Valley.

Virtually replacing stagecoach lines and riverboats, railroads offered speed and inter-city conveyance, reducing the six-day journey between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia in 1812 by the former means to five hours by rail in 1920.

While the triumph of technology superseded horse-drawn transportation, it began to catch railroads with its own victimizing hands. The construction of post-World War II roads, along with the increasing proliferation of automobiles and trucks, began to prove their superiority, speed, and convenience, enticing freight and passengers from the rails to the roads in the early-1950s until reduced demand necessitated a reduction in service and sometimes the abandonment of no-longer needed lines. Contributing to this decline was the fact that the once-mighty, but polluting steam engines had begun to be replaced by quieter, cleaner diesel ones.

Reduced, today, to tourist railroads, this coal-burning technology, which had been instrumental in the country’s expansion, can be interpreted at Scranton’s Steamtown National Historic Site.

2. The Scranton Rail Yard:

Pennsylvania’s Lackawanna and Wyoming valleys were both suppliers and recipients of their win-win growth. Attracting some 30 ethnic groups, who sought iron and steel factory, silk mill, coal mine, and railroad employment, they provided the anthracite coal which fueled steam locomotives, sparked the growth, and transported the workers, their families, and the materials to and from the cities to which they gave rise.

Of the five major railroads that served Scranton and were responsible for the creation of the industrial complexes-the Central of New Jersey, the Delaware and Hudson, the Erie, the New York, Ontario, and Western, and the Lackawanna and Wyoming Valley-the latter was established in 1853 by George and Seldon Scranton (after whom the city was eventually named), who sought an economical means of transporting their iron products, particularly the t-rails used in track construction.

Amalgamating the three existing companies of the Cayuga and Susquehanna, the Lackawanna and Western, and the Delaware and Cobb’s Gap, they created the Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad, which covered some 1,000 miles of main and branch line track between Hoboken, New Jersey, and Albany, New York. But, perhaps more importantly for today’s visitor, they laid the foundation for the extensive Steamtown National Historic Site, many of whose structures date from this period.

Its ultimate decline, along with Scranton’s-whose economic activity was inextricably tied to it-began when the need for anthracite coal diminished in the 1920s, progressively replaced with gas and oil as home and industrial fuel sources, while the diesel engines soon substituted for those of steam, eliminating the need for the facilities that supported it, particularly the repair shop that closed in 1949.

The Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western’s subsequent merger with long-time rival Erie-Lackawanna gradually dimmed the lights on the Scranton rail yard in the 1960s and the plug was permanently pulled 20 years later, when it was absorbed into the Consolidated Rail Corporation (Conrail).

3. Steamtown National Historic Site:

Located in downtown Scranton on 40 acres of the former Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western rail yard, whose current collection consists of the steam locomotives, passenger coaches, and freight cars assembled by New England seafood processor F. Nelson Blunt in the 1950s and 1960s, the circularly configured buildings, surrounding a turntable and comprising Steamtown National Historic Site, immediately transport the visitor to an earlier era.

«You are about to experience a part of American railroading that hasn’t existed for nearly half a century-the era of the steam locomotive,» according to the museum. «Steamtown National Historic Site was established on October 30, 1986 to further public understanding and appreciation of the role steam railroading played in the development of the United States. It is the only place in the National Park System where the story of steam railroading and the people who made it possible is told.»

Admission tickets and short rail rides can be purchased at the outside booth.

«Working on the railroad was rarely romantic or glamorous,» the museum further advises. «Mostly it was hard work-grimy, noisy, greasy, and occasionally dangerous. Today, mechanics still labor to repair and maintain steam locomotives and rolling stock at this site, with tools and methods virtually unchanged since the 1930s.

«The National Park Service has retained the industrial working character of this historic Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad yard to present the Steamtown visitor a realistic portrayal of steam-era railroading.»

A pass through the Visitor Center affords access to the outside turntable and the many exhibit buildings surrounding it.

At 90 feet in length, the turntable itself, representative of the type used after 1900, served as the hub of the roundhouse complex, its tracks, like spokes, radiating to each engine stall. As locomotives returned for service, they negotiated a narrow, dual-track passage, at which time a control cab positioned operator rotated the turntable bridge so that it aligned with the assigned stall.

Entering head first, the locomotive, still pulling its tender, moved into it, ensuring that its smokestack remained below the ceiling flues.

The process was reversed when it was scheduled to leave.

On display here is an Illinois Central Railroad engine, number 790. Constructed by the American Locomotive Company in 1903 and featuring a 2-8-0 wheel configuration, it hauled freight from Tennessee. It was not retired until the 1950s.

The 18-minute «Steel and Steam» film offers a good introduction to the site.

The first display building, in counterclockwise direction, is the History Museum, whose exhibits highlight the evolution of steam railroading in the United States from 1850, depicting early railroads, associated life, and their relationship to labor, business, and the government, along with a timeline that illustrates Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western milestones from the early-19th to the mid-20th centuries.

Artificial waterways, according to the exhibits, provided practical alternatives to the then high cost of turnpike construction. In 1816, DeWiit Clinton persuaded the New York State legislature to charter the Erie Canal from Albany on the Hudson River to Buffalo on Lake Erie, creating an important and profitable east-to-west transportation route and spurring the development of similar eastern canal systems. It was some time before tracks replaced waterways.

Although railroads may be traced to ancient Roman road carts, design of true trains, which employed flanged, wooden rails and wheels, did not begin until the 16th and 17th centuries to carry coal from the mines in Germany’s Ruhr Valley.

Refinement of small, low pressure steam engines, used to pump water from those very mines, served as the threshold to early steam locomotive development, the first of which, taking form in 1804, plied rails in Pen-y-Darren, Whales.

The visitor can absorb the sights and sounds of passenger steam railroading in the ticket window provisioned waiting room, in which the puffs of smoke, the ring of bells, and the clack of tracks can be heard.

Passage through the platform-accessing door reveals two superbly restored, track-cradled cars. The first, number 1100, is an all-steel Louisville and Nashville Railroad Post Office coach constructed by the American Car and Foundry Company in 1914. The second, Erie business car number 3, was built circa 1929 by the Pullman Company and offered luxury to its two crew members and nine passengers with two staterooms, two bedrooms, a porter’s quarters, a kitchen, and a credenza- and table-sporting dining room.

Significant to both steam railroading and the museum’s complex is the roundhouse, which was constructed in 1902, rebuilt in 1917 after a fire claimed the original structure, and expanded two decades later.

«The roundhouse was and is the heart of the Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western yards,» according to the museum. «Here, mechanics perform daily maintenance on steam locomotives-routine inspections, light repairs, and boiler wastes. Hissing steam, pounding hammers, and the drone of engines provide a constant backdrop for the mechanics’ work.»

Some locomotive highlights, nestled in their respective bays, include a Canadian National Railways number 3254, a Canadian National Railways number 2317, a Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western number 565, a Nickel Plate number 759, and a Grand Trunk Western number 6039.

A separate roundhouse, from 1902, originally featured 46 stalls, but its modernization program only left the current three intact. Employing then-standard industrial practices, it offered no heat, since it was believed that mechanics, who were nevertheless warmly dressed, worked harder under such conditions.

Today, its three track-supporting locomotives and cars permit close inspections.

The first, a Spang, Chalfant, and Company 0-6-0 switcher, bearing number 9, was delivered in April of 1923. Its right-side cut-away provides an opportunity to inspect its under-the-skin boiler and inner workings.

The second, an old-style Rutland caboose, number 28, was constructed in 1920 and features an off-set cupola and four-wheeled trucks.

The third, an equally wooden Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western boxcar, number 43651, represents the tens of thousands that transported weather- and breakage-protecting products and commodities across the country.

Although roundhouses such as these were nucleuses of steam locomotive maintenance and repair, below-ground pits facilitated the under-engine inspection of them. Archaeologist-excavated brick inspection pits, from the 1865 and 1902/1937 periods, reveal their improved construction techniques in outside exhibits between the two roundhouse sections.

Steamtown National Historic Site’s Technology Museum, attached to the earlier of the two, offers displays about locomotive design, railroad architecture, track engineering, signals, communication, and safety.

The full economic potential of railroads, it explains, was quickly realized after the steam locomotive demonstrated its capability, and it experienced a significant evolution, becoming increasingly more powerful and employing stronger, smoother tracks, as they carried passengers and freight across the nation. Concurrently, the development of signal and communication systems made the industry safer and more reliable.

Progressing from small, rolling tea kettles, steam locomotives grew in size, strength, and sophistication, utilizing more steel in their construction and consuming more coal in their operation.

This advancement can be gleaned from the profiles of locomotive types, which progressed from those without trailing trucks to those with two-wheeled ones, those with four-wheeled ones, and to those articulated ones that employed pivoting front engines.

The complex’s bookstore museum shop, located outside of the circular confines, is housed in the Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western’s reinforced concrete and steel oil house, hailing from 1912, which was positioned close enough to the roundhouse for convenience, yet far enough to minimize damage to personnel and rolling stock.

The dual-section interior features both the bookstore/gift shop, located in the former storage room, and the basement that contained up to 14 tanks of lubricating oil necessary for the greasing of locomotive parts, including car, engine, mineral, crude, turpentine, gasoline, signal lamp, and cylinder types. Visitors can peer into the pit from the ground level, which had served as the pump room.

Across the tracks, in the yard, is the headquarters of the roundhouse foreman. Dating from 1902, it is one of the oldest structures surviving from the Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western facility.

Nothing, however, is more symbolic of steam locomotive triumph than the site’s Union Pacific 4-8-8-4 «Big Boy,» number 4012, built in November of 1941 by the American Locomotive Company in Schenectady, New York. Today, it is one of only eight of the original 25 surviving and the only one east of Wisconsin.

Stretching 132.10 feet, carrying 28 tons of coal and 24,000 gallons of water, featuring a loaded tender weight of 1,189,500 pounds, and developing a 135,375-pound tractive force, it was nevertheless able to attain speeds in excess of 80 mph, having hauled long, heavy troop and freight trains over steep grades east of Salt Lake City over the Wasatch Mountains. It represents the pinnacle of steam engine technology.

Ultimate visitor immersion into the era can be achieved during a 30-minute, four-mile train ride, named the «Scranton Limited,» of the yard, pulled by Baldwin steam locomotive number 26, as evidenced by the coal-black soot emitted by its stack and sometimes enveloping the windows of the high-ceiling passenger coaches that come complete with walkover seats and baggage racks. Threading its way between rolling stock and over switches and brides, it completes any Steamtown National Historic Site visit.

Getting In and Around Southend

Given the extensive road network that supports Southend, the most common way of entering the city is via car. There are two junctions leading to Southend off the London-orbital motorway. These two, A127 (junction 29) and A13 (junction 30), head straight towards the town centre.

Given a choice between the two roads, get on the A127 for its free-flowing traffic. However, if you’re heading to Southend during a busy summer weekend, use the A13 as the A127 is prone to traffic at that time of year. That’s when hordes of day-trippers make a beeline towards the seaside.

Don’t be alarmed by the fact that there is no permanent car park or ride facility in Southend. The town has more than enough parking spaces for everyone, even during the truly busy days. Rates are around 70p per hour in a car park and £1 per hour on a parking meter on the street. The parking space of choice is the Seaway car park because it has numerous parking spaces and is right in the centre of things, at a close distance to all the shops as well as to the sea.

Planning on travelling to Southend via train instead? You have two options – the Southend Victoria train station or the Southend Central train station. The Southend Victoria station is right above town and hosts trains from the One Railways-run London Liverpool Street. From London Liverpool Street, trains pass through Prittlewell, Rochford, Hockley, Rayleigh, Wickford, Billericay, Shenfield and Stratford. There’s always a train leaving the London station every 20 minutes during Mondays to Saturdays and every 30 minutes during Sundays.

The Southend Central station is right in the middle of town and hosts the trains of c2c Railways from Fenchurch Street. From Fenchurch Street, the train passes through Benfleet, Basildon or Tilbury and Barking, and from Southend, through Thorpe Bay, Southend East and Southend Central back to Fenchurch Street. Trains leave the station every 15 minutes during Mondays to Saturdays and every 30 minutes during Sundays. A third station, Southend East, also services Southend but its location is far from the town centre.

Regardless of whichever train station you choose to take, travel time to Southend usually takes about one hour. But tickets are not interchangeable and cannot be used on the other train line.

Once in Southend, the best way to get around is through your feet as getting from one end of town to the other isn’t much of a walk. If you’re heading towards the sea from, say, the Southend Victoria station, the entire walk will take about 15 minutes at most. Once on the seafront, you can heat east to Thorpe Bay or west to Westcliff.

If you choose to get around the city in a car, it’s an easy ride. Traffic is very light and the roads are hardly busy. Plus, getting from place to place only takes a short while.

Taking the bus may not be as convenient, but it certainly is reliable. The bus service, operated by Arriva Buses and First Buses, will take you exactly where you want to go and on time. During summer, the buses used to run open-top along the seafront on the stretch between Shoeburyness and Leigh-on-Sea and provided a magnificent view of the surrounding areas. Unfortunately, this service has been stopped for a couple of years now, but there’s always the chance it could come back, right? For instance, in 2006, the open-top service resumed but, unfortunately, it was only for an oh-so-brief six weeks. And bear this in mind: the buses may run all day long but sometimes tend to cease operations early in the evening. Make sure you find out the exact time of the last bus to make sure you’re not stranded anywhere.

An easy place to catch the bus is the modern travel centre a short distance away from the high street. Every bus that travels around Southend passes here. In addition, there is a travel centre on the premises where you can check for timetables and other information.

Of course, if you plan to do a lot of shopping or are out on the town on a special date, you should at least take a taxi. Fortunately, there are plenty of taxis in town. The bad news is that there are very little ‘black cabs’ around so you’ll have to grab your cab at the nearest taxi rank. Either that or order your taxi over the phone. A word of warning: taxi fare tends to rise when night falls and is pretty expensive by midnight.

International travellers enter the city through London Southend Airport, which has regularly scheduled flights to Jersey every Saturday during summer. For 2008, construction will begin on a new terminal and rail station which will increase the airport’s range of destinations significantly. Estimates indicate that these developments will boost passenger traffic to one to two million passengers a year. At present, airport management is having discussions with interested airlines.

Chelsea 2 – Manchester United 1

With the 2 teams that were picked by both managers, it came as no surprise that Chelsea have been by far the more superior side in the 1st half and they came close on a number of occasions but poor finishing and decision making let them down too many times.

Joe Cole, who has been very poor recently, was accorded a big chance but he initially messed it up but was afforded another opportunity by poor defending and he hit the bar with his effort.

Just as the game seemed to be heading for a goalless 1st half, Didier Drogba was able to shake off his markers and put in a great cross that was met quite superbly by Michael Ballack as the Chelsea players celebrated by holding up a jersey with Frank Lampard’s mother, Pat, who died on Thursday.

In the 2nd half United played better and got their equalizer when Ricardo Carvalho played the ball blind to Wayne Rooney, who went across John Terry and placed the ball immaculately past Petr Cech.

In incredible show of petulance and bad team spirit Michael Ballack and Didier Drogba on who should take a free kick and it continued for a minute. Amazing!

In the dying minutes of the 2nd half Michael Carrick gave away a penalty for Michael Ballack to smash into the right corner sending Edwin Van Der Saar the wrong way.

United tried to equalize but Andriy Shevchenko and Ashley Cole cleared off the line as Chelsea held on for a very good victory.

I had said it that United have been playing badly for a long time and this match just bore me out as they were average again today. It is not that easy for them to keep possession as they do not have the kind of players that can hold on to the ball and keep it for a period of time.

They tend to play best when they are playing at 100mph and like Ferguson likes to say its itchy bottom time.



Petr Cech 6 He made a number of decent saves as he helped to preserve their amazing unbeaten run at Stamford Bridge.

Paolo Ferreira 5.5 He was not his usual poor self but he was partly to blame for the equalizer as he could have taken his time playing the free kick but he played it in a hurry to Carvalho.

Ashley Cole 6 He was better in defense than he was going forward but his save on the line against Ronaldo was crucial. If only he could stop acting like a kid whenever a decision goes against him.

Ricardo Carvalho 6 He was imperious again in defense and would have got ha higher grade if not for his gaffe for Rooney’s equalizer.

John Terry 6.5 He led by example and nullified most of what United tried to throw at his side. For once he acted like a peacemaker not like a spoilt brat unlike some of the players on the pitch.

Mikel Obi 6 He was steady and had a very effective game in both defense and offense as his passing was crispier than normal.

Michael Ballack 7 He was the man of the match with his 2 goals as well as his all round play that was exemplary. His only black mark was his spat with Drogba as to who should take a free kick.

Michael Essien 6.5 He was the best player in the 1st half but when switched to right back, his influence waned a bit but it was his cross that led to the penalty.

Joe Cole 5 He was very poor again as he flitted in and out of the game with not much contribution of the positive kind.

Salomon Kalou 5 He did some good things that caught the eye but his final ball and lack of awareness counted against him as he runs with the ball very well but his final ball always seems to be very poor.

Didier Drogba 5.5 He did not have a bad game it is just his behavior that gets on almost everyone’s nerves. He set up the 1st goal and then drifted out of the game but then came to life towards the end.


Nicholas Anelka 4.5 He did not do anything when brought on and hopefully he would improve as a Chelsea player because as yet he is a big money flop.

Andriy Shevchenko 6 His line saving stop against Fletcher is what earned him this mark.

Claude Makele He was not on long enough to be graded.

Avram Grant 6.5 Fair play to him for his choice of players and hopefully he would be able to get to the Champions league final. He did not really make any decisions to change the game but his starting 11 deserved to win.

Manchester United

Edwin Van Der Saar 5.5 His kicking is becoming atrocious and his indecisions are becoming a worry.

Wes Brown 5.5 He did not look as steady as he did at the Nou Camp as he made a number of mistakes at the back.

Mikael Silvestre 5.5 He did not come forward to any effect and was not that secure at the back either.

Nemanja Vidic He was not on the field long enough to be graded.

Rio Ferdinand 6.5 He would have earned my man of the match if not for the fact that his team lost and more crucially his bratty behavior. In the week that Fabio Capello was talking about how responsibly a captain should act, it must have disappointed and disgusted him the way Ferdinand behaved.

Anderson 6 He brought energy to United’s midfield and had a decent enough game.

Michael Carrick 4.5 He was very poor as he was at the Nou camp with the crowning glory being his stupid decision to handle at such a crucial time.

Darren Fletcher 6 He is not the most gifted of players but he gives a lot to his side and he did so today.

Nani 4 He was far and away the worst player on the pitch. He is maddening to play with and to watch as he makes the most awful of decisions. Almost everything he did today was wrong.

Wayne Rooney 5.5 He took his goal well but apart from that it was apparent that he is not fit and went off with a hip injury that has been bothering him for a while now

Ryan Giggs 5 It seems that 1 of the best players to have played for United is coming to the end of his career as he contributed very little to this game.


Owen Hargreaves 5.5 He was not great but he was not bad either with his usual high energy style of play.

Cristiano Ronaldo 5.5 He almost equalized for United but he would have been very disappointed to have started this game on the bench.

John O’shea He was not on the ball long enough to be graded.

Alex Ferguson 3 It was a completely inane decision to start with the team he started with and it might come back to hunt him big time if Barcelona put his side out in the champions league and Chelsea go on to win the league.

Fulham Reaches Final

Fulham finally able to realize the dream of playing in European competition final. Roy Hodgson troops managed to beat Hamburg 2-1 in the Champions League second leg semi-final, Friday (30 / 4) early morning GMT.

Through this action, Damien Duff playing cs proved the appropriateness Europa League final. The mentality of The Cottagers had been tested because they got behind 0-1 by Mladen Petric scored a free kick on 22 minutes. That means Fulham have scored two goals to qualify for the first leg ended goalless draw.

However, the motivation of children Fulham for a final taste of European competition makes them not give up. Support fan who crowded the Craven Cottage Fulham also create morale double.

The result, Simon Davies to score an equalizer at minute 70. Feed Danny Murphy from the left side of the field entered using the left foot was hit by Davies. A 1-1 aggregate, has not been enough to get them to the HSH Nordbank Arena, the final match venue.

Anxiously Fulham fans did not last long. They could be relieved after Zoltan Gera scored the second goal for Fulham, six minutes after the goal Davies. Kick left foot breaking peman Hungarian goalkeeper Frank Røst. The Cottagers turned 2-1 ahead.

The position was eventually survive until the long whistle. Cheers blaring at Carven Cottage. They deserve a chance to play in the final match after a tiring long journey by setting aside a few nan strong teams such as Juventus and defending champions Shakhtar Donetsk.

Overall, Hamburg led by new coach Ricardo Moniz, perform better than the first leg. They can compensate for mastery of the ball and create enough chances. Unfortunately, the determination of child custody Roy Hodgson managed to prevent Moniz undergo a sweet debut.

The final match will take place on May 12, 2010. Fulham will face Atletico Madrid, who got rid of Liverpool with a 2-2 aggregate. Atleti escaped thanks to the away goals rule.

The composition of Players:

Fulham: Schwarzer, Pantsil (75 ‘Nevland), Hangeland, Hughes, Konchesky, Davies, Murphy, Etuhu, Duff; Zamora (57’ Dempsey) Gera.

Hamburg: Røst; Demel, Boateng, Mathijsen, Aogo; Pitroipa, Ze Roberto, Jarolím (90 ‘Rozehnal), Tesche (56’ Rincon (79 ‘Guerrero)); Van Nistelrooy, Petric.

Get the final Europa Tickets at

LG Shine – Sleek Looks – High End Features

The LG KE770 is a part of the LG Black Label Series. It is also known as the LG Shine – a name that it gets due to its unique design features. Let us get to know the LG Shine mobile phone a little better.

The LG Shine sports a candy bar design and comes with a lot of the ‘bling’ factor. The screen of the handset with a mirror effect looks all the more attractive and the finish is high-end and super chic. A 1.7 inches display with up to 262k colors ensures that the experience of using the LG Shine mobile phone is one of its kind.

The ergonomic design of the LG Shine makes the handset easy to use. The LG Shine mobile phone comes with a keypad lock; users do not have to worry about accidentally pressing any buttons when they are carrying the handset in their day-to-day use. The profile is slim – one can easily fit the LG Shine mobile phone in one’s pockets. And with 200 hours of standby time and 2.5 hours of talk time, the LG Shine mobile phone would not let you down when you need the handset the most.

The multimedia and imaging capabilities of the LG Shine mobile phone are equally amazing. For instance, the LG Shine mobile phone comes with an integrated 2 mega pixel digital camera that can be used to capture impressive images of memorable moments from the kaleidoscope of one’s life.

People with an ear for music are also not disappointed with the new LG Shine. The handset comes with advanced capabilities to play music on the go. One can even use the handset to access the Internet; the phone is equipped with a WAP 2.0 browser that makes this possible. 70 MB of memory and Bluetooth connectivity are the other key features of the LG KE770 mobile phone – better known as the LG Shine.

English Premier League Roundup

Tevez and Bellamy scored two each for the visitors while Frank Lampard scored both goals for Chelsea, the last from the penalty spot in injury time with Chelsea reduced to nine men. Chelsea’s lead at the top of the table is now just one point from Manchester United with Arsenal just a further two points behind. Tottenham sit in fourth position after a fortunate 2-1 home win over Everton who pushed hard in the second half and were unfortunate not to get at least a point as they dominated the second half, scoring once and coming close to equalizing on a number of occasions.

Liverpool kept up the pressure in the four-way race for the last Champion’s League spot with a deserved 2-1 win over Blackburn Rovers in a hard-fought match with Rovers seemingly more interested in fulfilling their Manager, Sam Allardyce’s bullying tactics as they fouled their way to five yellow cards and were lucky not to have a couple of players sent off. Fernando Torres marked his return to the starting line-up with a goal, while Liverpool’s captain and talisman, Steven Gerrard, scored the other. Arsenal comfortably beat Stoke City 3-0 with Stoke’s Ryan Shawcross seeing red for a tackle that broke Aaron Ramsey’s leg in two places. Shawcross trudged of the field wiping tears of remorse from his face with his soccer uniform, clearly distraught at badly injuring a fellow professional in a mistimed challenge.

Ramsey has since undergone surgery and it has been suggested that it will be at least six months before he will return to action. In other matches Birmingham and Bolton ground out 1-0 home wins over Wigan and Wolves respectively, while Portsmouth upset Burnley 2-1 away. On Sunday Fulham and Sunderland drew 0-0 at the Stadium of Light.

Carling Cup Final

Sir Alex Ferguson won his 34th trophy as manager of Manchester United with a come from behind 2-1 win over Aston Villa in the Carling Cup final at Wembley on Sunday. Gareth Barry scored from the penalty spot in the fifth minute but the lead lasted only seven minutes as Michael Owen swept the ball into the net from the edge of the penalty area. Owen made way for Wayne Rooney before the half, succumbing to a hamstring injury, allowing Rooney to head home the winner with sixteen minutes to play.

Switching Soccer Uniforms – Transfer Gossip

Chelsea are lining up a $30mil offer for Liverpool and Spain goalkeeper, Pepe Reina. Reina has been in outstanding form this season and many believe he is now the number one keeper in the league. A move seems unlikely as Reina has repeatedly expressed his desire to stay at Liverpool for years to come. Arsenal have tied up their free transfer for Bordeaux’s Morrocan star, Marouane Chamakh, who is ready to sign a four-year deal to play for the Gunners. Michael Owen, Nani, Gabriel Obertan and Owen Hargreaves are set to be sold over the summer by Manchester United in a clean-out designed to raise money for the debt-ridden club.

Marilyn Monroe by Andy Warhol

Marilyn Monroe was a sensation, and her charisma continues much longer than her life. Though she featured in a million photographs and a thousand portraits, one of the most celebrated works on her continues to be the Andy Warhol series. Colour affects mood, character and appearance, and in no place is that more obvious than these creations.

The first Marilyns

The story behind creating ‘The first Marilyns’ had an interesting start. It all began with Warhol’s early experiments with techniques and printing methods that were quick, durable and easy to put together. The silk-screening technique was soon created, whereby Warhol could easily replicate a print effectively in a shorter period of time.

It also happened to be the time when the legendary icon Marilyn Monroe committed suicide in August 1962. As Warhol was an admirer of the celebrities and celebrity high-life, the two events came together. And he thought that there was no better way to pay a tribute and make the icon of Monroe timeless, on his canvas using his new silkscreen technique.

The process

To begin the process, he purchased a legendary shot of the star taken by Gene Korman for the film Niagara made in 1953. He cropped the image, enlarged it and reproduced in on 8 canvases, each with a different colour scheme. For this, he would take a picture, blow it up in size, transfer it in glue on to silk. He would then roll ink across such that the ink would go through the silk, but not the glue. The technique could give him something stronger that gave more of an assembly line effect.

The Monroe Canvas

As a result, the legendary eight Monroe canvas prints were born. As each personality has varied shades, the hues in the Monroe canvas depict her different colours, moods and attitude.

The Gold Monroe, admirers say, depicts her iconic status, affection of her fans and the sheer lonesomeness of life. The canvas is an iridescent gold with her face silkscreened in the center of the composition. Her face is painted like a newsprint advertisement, that for some marked a throw-away in life. Monroe, after all, was treated like a sex-symbol, and the tag stayed till the end of her life, something that Monroe retains on the canvas.

The lemon Marilyn has a complementary fuschia, two-tone blue and dual-yellow colours. Perhaps the dispersion of the yellow being highest, makes the portrait stand out from the lineup. Today it is a part of the same private collection from its 1962 acquisition till it was offered in auction in 2007. It is estimated to cost over eighteen million dollars US.

The ‘Marilyn Diptych‘ comprises of 50 images of the actress based on a single photo. In this series, 25 pictures on the left of the Diptych are brightly coloured with a gold background. The remaining 25 on the right are in black and white and are shown to be blurred and faded. Currently on display at the Tate Gallery, Liverpool, these are supposed to be one of the most influential pieces in modern art. As per critics, these are said to depict the two sides of Monroe: her life and mortality.

The Shot Marilyns’ is yet another celebrated work by the artist from 1964. It depicts four square canvases of Monroe, with each picture of her shown with a bullet shot in her head. An interesting story is associated with them. Apparently once Warhol finished doing them up, he took them to his studio ‘The Factory’. There Dorothy Podber, a friend, asked Warhol if she could shoot them. Thinking that she meant a photo-shoot, Warhol agreed. But soon, she had donned white gloves, taken out a revolver and actually fired a shot at the four stacked Marilyns, giving them that name.

Besides the above, Warhol depicted the icon in other colours too. In fact, some records indicate that Warhol made over 20 silkscreen paintings of her. The 10 Marilyns (1967) is another celebrated work by the artist and popularly available. Some form a part of private collections and are valued at high prices. Each of the colours is unique depicting the myriad shades of her personality.

What’s unique

Perhaps the most unique feature of this portrait is where it was adapted from. Warhol took a photograph known to millions, and transformed it into something new. Though his sourcing option was limited, what he did with it was unparalleled. Through these portraits, he undermined the uniqueness and authenticity characteristic of traditional portraiture. And through these, he succeeded to present Monroe as an infinitely reproducible image.

For many it is difficult to make an intellectual-emotional bond with the work of Warhol. Only a detailed study and a deep interest and understanding can bring forth the story that each of his works tries to tell. In fact, in these series itself, different viewers and critics see these as frank expressions of his sorrow at public events. Some also say that the images depict the fusion of two consistent themes of Warhol’s work: death and a celebrity cult.